Monday, March 26, 2007

Spotlighting Wespionage!

Here's a guy with a razor sharp with that is evident in all of his photos in the Entitled pool. A relative newcomer to the group, I expect we'll see lots more from him in the future. And I, for one, am looking forward to seeing what's next!

Here are five from Wespionage:

I read that the camera adds 10 pounds.

I read that the camera adds 10 pounds.

They don't make sunglasses for a cyclops.

They don't make sunglasses for a cyclops.

She still loved him even though his eyes were all over the place

She still loved him even though his eyes were all over the place

Does this aperture make me look fat?

Does this aperture make me look fat?




Wespionage said...

Shucks, thanks Linda! I'm flattered.

Esther said...

these are fantastic, and well deserving of a spotlight! nice goin', wespy! :)