Thursday, May 10, 2007

Spotlighting Esther17!

With more than 100 photos in the Entitled pool, Esther is one of the most prolific members in the group. This tells me that he has a great sense of humor and likes to see the fun in things. Narrowing it down to only five was quite a chore, so I'm making the executive decision to post more.

Here are seven from Esther!

Hey, you ...yeah, you! Take my picture! C'monnn! Aren't I handsome?
I'm good looking, aren't I? Yeaahh, that's right.

Hey, you ...yeah, you! Take my picture! C'monnn! Aren't I handsome? I'm good looking, aren't I? Yeaahh, that's right.

I'm sorry, what were you saying?

I'm sorry, what were you saying?
(you really must click on the photo to read the comments ;-)

if you hear the banjos, run.

if you hear the banjos, run.

heh heh says "spotted"

heh heh says "spotted"

sweet, dark mistress... i must deny you!

sweet, dark mistress... i must deny you!

understatement of the year

understatement of the year

They laughed; Whitey had big dreams.

They laughed; Whitey had big dreams.

1 comment:

Esther said...

ladies, you rock. :-)